The biggest beauty, spa and wellness industry event in the UK bringing over 800 brands under one roof.
One of the main benefits of attending an exhibition is that you can check out the latest developments, get your hands on new products, compare prices and see live demonstrations all under one roof!
Time flies! Two weeks already passed after a real beauty exhibition’s marathon and to be honest we are still living in that moment.
We want to say a huge thank you to all of you amazing people! It’s been an amazing experience!
We are more than happy to inform all our clients from Germany that from now on you can order your beloved Beauty&You Professional products directly from our Agent - Samanta Čekaitytė by placing an order via email or phone!
Natūralus ilgalaikis pudros efektas ant plaukelių išsilaiko iki 7 savaičių ir net iki 7 dienų ant odos!
Nauja natūrali chna dažų formulė suteikia nuostabų pudros efektą. Tai yra nekenksmingas ir efektyvus būdas pakoreguoti antakių formą bei juos paryškinti.
B&Y Brow Henna dažai pagaminti iš natūralių ingredientų, kurie nepažeis natūralių antakių plaukelių būklės.
For your convenience, we offer goods for safe and convenient cash settlement at the time of withdrawal (except when the goods are removed from the DPD terminals), electronic banking Paysera (Swedbank, SEB, DNB, Nordea, Danske Bank and Šiaulių bankas ), debit and credit cards, and hire-purchase with Mokilizingu.....